Explore in the area of local governance due to the development of entrepreneurship

Document Type : reserch


1 Industrial Engineering, Shahid Beheshti School of Governance, Tehran, Iran

2 Business Management (Organizational Behavior Management), Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 Geography and Urban Planning, Researcher of Shahid Beheshti School of Governance, Tehran, Iran


Entrepreneurship, as one of the main pillars of economic activities, plays an essential role in job creation and capital formation. In today's world, where we are witnessing tremendous developments in the field of technology, automation and global relations, the development of entrepreneurship has become a major concern at the national and international level. However, challenges such as the instability of government policies, inappropriate laws, environmental uncertainty and limited access to governance institutions have destroyed the motivation of many entrepreneurs to start a business or continue their activities midway. In this regard, the systematic review and review of related literature in this field is very necessary in order to identify the effective factors and executive policies affecting the success of local governance to support entrepreneurship and to consolidate and evaluate existing research. Therefore, with the aim of identifying these factors and indicators, the present study has examined and reviewed scientific productions in the field of governance in the development of entrepreneurship. For this purpose, by reviewing 75 Persian and English articles on the subject of governance and entrepreneurship with a systematic review of empirical and theoretical literature, the collected sources have been categorized in the form of factors affecting the success of local governance in order to support entrepreneurship. These factors include accountability and transparency, education and creating awareness, refocusing on improving the business environment and developing entrepreneurship, redesigning legal and legal procedures, effective partnership with the private sector and citizens, culture building, improving the administrative system and decentralization, focusing on development. Sustainable based on productivity, durability and sustainability. The results of this research can serve as a practical guide for officials and decision makers to take effective measures to increase entrepreneurship, improve the level of social and economic life, and create job opportunities.
