Guide for Authors

"Guidelines for the authors of Exalted Governance Quarterly"

A guide to preparing and editing an article

  • The article must be a research and the result of the research work of the author or authors and must have led to the production of new science and knowledge. The magazine welcomes articles extracted from doctoral dissertations, distinguished theses, and independent research projects if they include the principles and methods of research in the relevant field.
  • - The submitted article must not have been published in any domestic or foreign magazine in the past. The group of editors expects the respected authors not to send their article to another publication for publication until they receive the acceptance answer from the quarterly.
  • How to edit the text of the article: the number of pages of the articles, minimum 16 and maximum 22 pages, the width of the page should be 17.5 cm, the height should be 24.5 cm, the margin should be 3 cm from the top and 2.5 cm from the left, right and bottom. be centimeters
  • Do the necessary editing using Virastyar software in the Word environment.
  • When writing the holy name of the Prophet instead of (PBUH) instead of (PBUH), imams instead of (AS) instead of (PBUH) and also when writing the name of Imam Khomeini instead of (RA) instead of (RAH) and Imam Khamenei should be used (Madazla al-Aali).
  • Sources should be sourced according to the APA standard.
  • In-text references should match the end references The list of sources should be divided into two parts: A- Farsi sources and B- English sources C- Sites and sorted alphabetically. The article has 5 main titles including introduction, theoretical foundations, research method, data analysis and research findings, conclusion and suggestion. These titles should be set with bold font B titr 12. Other titles of the article should be set with bold font B titr 10. The main text font should be Lotus 12.
  • 1- Title; including the full title of the article, first and last name of the author/authors The information related to the author of the article, which appears as a footnote on the abstract page of the article, should be as follows: (Professors: scientific rank/PhD graduates: Ph.D./PhD students: Ph.D. student) - Field of study - University where he is a faculty member or currently studying. For example: Associate Professor - Management of Strategic Sciences - Higher National Defense University - Email address of the responsible author 2- abstract; Including the introduction to the subject in one or two free lines of the subject, statement of purpose, methodology and research result, maximum of 250 words, including the following without considering separate titles. 3-Key words; including up to 5 keywords that have a central role in the main text of the article (not necessarily the words in the title of the article) - The second page includes: English translation of the title, abstract and keywords (translation of the first page) The third page onwards includes: 1) Introduction: including introduction to the discussion, statement of the problem, importance and necessity of the research, goal, question/questions or goal and hypothesis/hypotheses (the goal and question or hypothesis are written in bold and in quotation marks) the contents of this section without title, It is mentioned. 2) theoretical foundations; Including the background and history of the research - conceptualization of variables and related literature, theoretical framework of the research, presentation of the conceptual model (if hypothesis modeling is necessary), the contents of this section can be titled according to the author's taste. 3) methodology; including the type of research, research method, statistical population, sample size and sampling method, data collection method and its tools, determining the validity and reliability of the data collection tool, analyzing and analyzing the data and answering the question or testing the hypothesis, and if there is a hypothesis, the operational definition of the variables is done. The contents of this section are presented in several paragraphs without headings and in the format of several paragraphs with proper wording.