Aims and Scope


Production of indigenous useful science and theorizing in the field of Islamic governance

Analyzing and compiling experiences of governance in the first step of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to use it in the second step of the revolution

Introducing applied studies and expanding the use of governance analysis

Scientific empowerment of researchers and governance elites

Efforts to solve complex issues at the governance level

Synergy of governance studies


A reference scientific journal in the field of governance at the national level and among the top specialized international journals.

Thematic areas and axes:

Explanation and analysis of the national governance system

Explanation and analysis of the global governance system

Explanation and analysis of the regional governance system

- Explanation and analysis of urban and provincial governance system

Governance structure and processes

Compilation of theories of governance

Regulation, policy making and facilitation

- Cooperative governance, open governance, participatory governance

- The relationship between society and the government

- Models of governance (good governance, sublime governance, healthy governance, provincial governance)

- Clarifying and compiling additional governance (cultural governance, social governance, structural governance, regulation, citizenship governance, economic governance, environmental governance, water governance, local governance, governance of commercial-industrial free zones)