The Wise Governance

Document Type : reserch


1 Ph.D. Department of Public Administration, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Public Administration, Young Researchers and Elite Club, Qaemshahr, Iran


The governance, in the age of accelerated changes,turbulences,complexities,and uncertainties,is one of the main challenges of states and governments; so that the good governance and other governance concepts' are not able to cope with the challenges of predatory globalization,international corporate capitalism, and meet the demands and needs of the various nations and governments.This research is trying to represent the concept of "wise governance" as an effective governance system by relying on the concept of "wisdom."In this research, theorizing methodology is used and the contemporary literature relevant to various and important forms of governance and public administration in the relevant papers and books has been reviewed and analyzed.Wise governance is metagovernance and has various characteristics and dimensions that is referred to:comprehensiveness, proactiveness, bilateralism and multilateralism, interactional and networked, beneficiary of citizen science, political wisdom and wise politics, the community of wisdom inquiry, wise and distributed leadership, diversity and complexity, the culture of contradictions, the fundamental principles of honor, wisdom, and expediency, mutual trust and respect, pursuance the common good, governability, and realization of the wise society and world. The wise governance is an inclusive of the rational-and religious-and ethics-and values-based approaches to governance and relied on wise assumptions relevant to society, economy, culture, environment, and politics that are interconnected with each other. The wise governance provides a diverse,integrated, interactional, networked, participatory, adaptive, empowered, creative, and innovative system for governance that pursues the common good and meet public demands, and in turn, promotes the governability.Finally, a discussion and some recommendations will be provided.
