The effect of the social and cultural capacities of ethnic groups on national security from the perspective of good governance (with emphasis on the Turkmen people of Golestan province)

Document Type : reserch


1 u. mazanderan

2 u.imam hosein

3 u. national defence


Good governance has been the focus of social science researchers in the last three decades. According to the latest definition of the World Bank, good governance, in the adoption of predictable, open and explicit government policies, transparent bureaucracy; Accountability of executive bodies for their activities; People's active participation in social and political affairs, as well as the equality of all people before the law, crystallizes. In general, it can be said that good governance is the practice of managing (political, economic,...) resources of a country to achieve the set goals. This practice includes solutions and institutions through which individuals and social groups have the ability to pursue their interests and legal rights with respect to restrictions. In order to create good governance in societies, the dimensions of development should be considered, one of which is the cultural and social dimension. It is necessary to create good governance in societies with different ethnic groups like Iran, knowing the cultural and social activities of the ethnic groups. This article aims to answer the question that the cultural and social capacities of the Turkmen people with a documentary-library method and a descriptive-analytical approach. What are the factors affecting national security from the point of view of good governance? And then, after knowing these indicators, some things should be suggested to improve it. According to the findings of the present research, those characteristics of good governance that the Turkmen people can achieve desirable cultural and social functions by having them are: the rule of law, government accountability, cultural justice and government accountability.
