Presenting a model of Islamic people-centered governance on cyberspace

Document Type : reserch




Today, cyberspace, independent of a communication medium, has become an integral part of human life, so that with the coexistence of this technology with other technologies, in the near future, almost all human life will be in this space. Although this space ostensibly gives its users an interactive role to play alongside effectiveness along with freedom, which ultimately leads to the establishment of (Western) democracy, the existence of American hegemony over this space as well as the inherent philosophy of this space that results from culture. Western materialism is one of the main challenges of governing countries on this man-made space, which is characterized by dynamism, ambiguity, complexity, pervasiveness and convergence.This research with the method of exploratory factor analysis and based on the findings of library studies and in-depth interviews with 6 experts in the field of media, defense and cyberspace, seeks to provide a model of Islamic people-centered governance consisting of 7 dimensions, 29 components and 114 indicators. Relying on them to establish an Islamic government in the country's cyberspace based on the two principles of people-centered and Islam
