Popularization of transcendent governance in the thought and strategy of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution

Document Type : reserch


Graduated with a Ph.D. in political geography from Tehran University and lecturer at Amirul Mominin University


In this research, the Popularization of transcendent governance and religious democracy in the thought of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution has been studied. Religious democracy is a style of political system that is popularization of governance is based on the principles and foundations of political Islam and divine legitimacy, as well as relying on the capacities, acceptance and popular victory of the affairs of society. In this way of governing, the people have a direct and indirect governance in choosing the governors and the governors themselves are a part of the people of the society. The need and desire of the people in different countries to model the axis with the aim of introducing religious principles in the political thought of Islam and the political leaders of the contemporary century is the reason for such research. Accordingly, in a descriptive-analytical method, by searching the library resources and the statement of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, the views and opinions of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution regarding the popularization of governance and religious democracy have been analyzed. The question of this research is to achieve the components related to religious democracy in the strategies of the Imams of the Revolution. The results show that in a religiously democratic way of governing, the government will ensure the people's satisfaction and guidance and prosperity in this world and the hereafter by involving the people, consultation, people's right to vote, popular control and political stability in society.
